Wednesday, October 31, 2018


     What I’m doing for Hallowe’en is going trick or treating with my family. I’ll be dressing up as a inflatable dinosaur, my brother is dressing up as a Jedi, and my dog will be dressing up as a devil. My cat doesn’t like costumes so we aren’t getting a costume for her.
       It is sort of a tradition for our family to go to my house for Hallowe’en, it is also a tradition to celebrate my aunt’s birthday on Hallowe’en. This year my aunt isn’t going to be here because of work.
   My cousin, Emily and Xiomi, recently got a dog, Luna, they are bringing her over. Luna is going to dress up as a angel.

         At school I dressed up as a Ravenclaw student with a owl. My owl was a snowy owl, like Harry Potter’s owl. I decided to dress up as a Ravenclaw student because I couldn’t wear my inflatable dinosaur costume, and I already have my Ravenclaw robe, tie, scarf, and owl.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Personal Narrative Brainstorm

  Here is my personal narrative brainstorm, I already have an idea of what I want to do for my personal narrative, this post will show the format of my personal narrative.
I will also use fake names if the person doesn’t want to be part of it.

   Possible titles: Friends?, Hello Again, This is Why....
   Setting: Mrs Garcia’s classroom, My House, Ms Vanwyk’s classroom, recess
   P.O.V: first person
   Time: mid 2016, 2017, early 2018
   Event: Mentally abusive friend and when I realized she was one.

First paragraph of rough draft:
   Friends? What is a friend? People say it’s someone you can trust and laugh with. The last time I trusted someone dearly it ended horrible.
   It began in fourth grade, I was supposed to be in the ‘blue’ table. Three other people were in that table, those people were (using fake names) Richard, Dunkin, and Rebecca. They were fun people to be around, so I decided to talk more with them. Before I knew it, I became close friends with Rebecca. I would laugh with her, help her with homework, drive her to her house after school, bring her to the library, and give her food. I believed our friendship would last long, boy was I wrong, and wrong for the better.
  The more I hanged out with her, the more I felt tired and sad. I didn’t understand why, maybe I didn’t get enough sleep, maybe I was working too much, or is it because or horse back riding.
  The more I hanged out with Rebecca, she began to be more rude, simple stuff at first like, “ Are you an idiot?”

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

My Reaction

    This is going to have spoilers for the book, Middle School: the Worst Years of my Life. 

   When I found out that Leo was Rafe’s late twin brother I was shocked. After I found out everything started to fit into place, why Rafe’s mom said, “ And I think normal’s a little boring, don’t you?” , why Bear doesn’t like the idea of Leo, and why no one else but Rafe can see him.

  What I enjoyed about the book is that, it keeps you on your toes, not once slowing stuff down. Even though I enjoyed the book, though I do not think I will read it again.