Tuesday, April 30, 2019

SoL 25

SoL 25: Work

   Today I was able to get my materials to finish my Passion Project and Social Studies Project. Once again, we went to Office Depot, but before we stopped at Dollar Store. At Dollar Store, we bought pencils, pens, index cards, and scotch tape. We left our bags at our car then headed for Office Depot. At Office Depot, we bought my notebook, sharpies, the triposter, and gold star stickers. The triposter is really cool because it includes a header on top. Afterwards, we stopped off at Michaels, there we bought emboidery floss to make bracelets. My mom decided that we should get some ice cream, so we stopped off at Dunkin Donuts and Baskin Robins. I got Jamoca almond fudge and some jelly donuts. Finally, we got home and I finished the last details of my Social Studies Project.

SoL 24

SoL 24: Slice of Life

      Today was the last day of Slice of Life. Slice of Life is something that my ELA class participated in, it was where everyday in April I had to write a blog. The first week of April was spring break, so I wasn’t really aware that we had to do that. The week I was back from spring break (April 8), my teacher introduced it. I wanted to do this, so for everyday of this month I did Slice of Life. Today, my teacher announced that we had to do 25 blogs for Slice of Life. I was confused about that because, from April 8 to April 30 was 23 days not 25 days. She told one of my classmates who was also wondering that, that we had to do two extra. So here I am writing my 24th blog post.

SoL 23

SoL 23: Rain

   Today the forecast said it was going to rain. Unfortunately for me, I couldn’t find my umbrella. It wasn’t raining when I opened the door to let my dog out, so I just put on a sweater. My mom said that it was too cold for me to just wear a sweater, but I thought the weather was fine. After I let my dog out, I grabbed my backpack and iPad and went to school. When I arrived, it was still not raining. I believed that it was going to rain around five, I guess I didn’t check the forecast well enough. I finished with the day, as I left my school, I had to walk to my brother’s school. He waits there for me to pick him up. Luckily, his school is attached to mine, so I didn’t need to go outside. When I picked him up, we had to go outside. It was pouring, so we had to walk as fast we could to my mom’s car.

Monday, April 29, 2019

SoL 22

SoL 22: Money

   Today I was going to get additional stuff for my Passion Project and for my Social Studies assignment. What I needed was sharpies, pens, pencils, a cardboard triposter, a notebook, and notecards. The sharpies and triposter was for my Passion Project. The notebook and notecards was for my Social Studies assignment. I needed pens and pencils because I was running out. We went over to Office Depot to get the materials. When we arrived, we went over and got the stuff I needed. The assignment was due on Wensday, so I wanted to finish my last touch. The Passion Project was due for Friday, and I wanted to put in more details to the project. My mom had recently checked in her check, so she should have had money for the supplies. When we head over to the check in stand, it said that she didn’t have money in her account. We had to head back in and call the bank.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

SoL 21

SoL 21: Lazy Day

   Today I had nothing I really wanted to do, so I basically did nothing. I woke up later than I usually do, brushed my teeth, and took my dog for a walk. Afterwards, I read a bit of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne. This version of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas was really cool, because it was a ‘deluxe verison’, that meant it had illustrations by Oliver Jeffers. I really liked the illustrations by Oliver Jeffers because it was adorable and looked cute. After reading to page 181, I went into my room and put on Netflix
   On Netflix, I put on Parks and Recreations, a hour or so of watching Netflix I went on an app called Webtoon. Webtoon is an app where you can read comics, the comic I went on was called Lookism, Lookism is a comic about a boy who controls two bodies. The comic is really entertaining, but I had already caught up on it and had only one chapter to finish. The rest of the day I was watching tv, reading different materials, or looking at social media.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

SoL 20

SoL 20: The Movies

    Yesterday my aunt got us tickets to see Avengers: Endgame, it was for Saturday at 3:20. Today is the day when we are going to see endgame! At 2:50 pm my mom decided to take a bath, she finish at 3:09 pm! My aunt told us to get in the car to not be late, a minute later my mom is finish and we are headed towards the movie theaters. We were going to the Lake Cinema instead of North Riverside. We would have gone to North Riverside if there were tickets left, unfortunately there wasn’t so we went to the Lake Cinema. We arrived a little late, but too late. While my aunt was showing the guy tickets, he warned my brother that if was annoying he would have to listen to Justin Bieber and watch My Little Pony. After watching Endgame, Marvel left me so hurt and very shook.

Friday, April 26, 2019

SoL 19

SoL 19: Science Test

    Today I had a Science test, it was about ocean currents. So in the morning I reviewed everything that was in the study guide. The study guide was pretty easy because I knew most of the questions. As I went into excel, I pulled out my iPad which had the notes of the study guide on it, and begin reviewing again. Science was my first block, so everything I had just reviewed was still fresh in my brain. My Science teacher told us to go into power learning and open up the test. This was our first Science test that was digital and not on paper. The test was on slides, so we had to export that onto notability. Now that we did that we were ready to begin the test, the first question had the setup of the study guide. As I continue reading, they started to add different things not discussed on Wensday when we reviewed. Most of the test was structured very differently, but I knew most of the questions. 

Thursday, April 25, 2019

SoL 18

SoL 18: IXL

  Today I finished my IXL homework for ELA. My ELA teacher usually assigns us an IXL skill to work on for the week and a blog post. Since I am doing the slice of life challenge, I don’t have to do a blog post. For this week, my IXL homework was M.2, 9th grade. The beginning was easy to do because they made correct were easy, like if it was it’s or it’s. But as I went to the 70s the questions got harder, asking if it was assent or ascent. Luckly, I understood how to find the difference and I finished the homework quickly. What I don’t like about IXL is that when you finish a problem it gives you one or two points, but when you get a problem wrong it takes away 7 or 8 points. Making it harder for you to finish the work.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

SoL 17

SoL 17: Band

  Today was an A day, so for block 4 I went to Band instead of PE. Before we actually went to practice with the whole class, we are allowed to practice on our own. Some of my friends suggested that we should practice a song together, we all agreed. As we were about to start, another friend informed us that she wasn’t ready. So, we waited. When we were waiting, I started playing the kahoot song.
   The kahoot song was given by one of my friends in science, so at home I’ve been practicing. At Band, I learned a bit more of the kahoot song. Finally, my other friend was ready and begin practicing the song Banana Boat Song.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

SoL 16

SoL 16: The Sun

    Finally spring arrived, and I was not ready. Even though spring finally became spring awile ago, I didn’t notice. The reason for that was I don’t go outside! Today I had PE, which meant I was really sweaty when I left school. I put on a sweater before I left the school, my school is sometimes cold. Especially my ELA class and my gym class is almost always cold. So, when I left my school with a sweater and sweating, it was something not very good. The moment I came home, I put on shorts and a tank top. I then went upstairs to finish my homework, upstairs was a lot hotter but I didn’t have enough energy to care. 

Monday, April 22, 2019

SoL 15

SoL 15: Students vs Teachers

    Since my school finished IAR testing, they decided to give us an incentive. Allowing us to dress down (if you went all 5 days), and to let us see the Students vs Teachers Olympics. My grade was the last to be part of the Olympics. Unfortunately, my excel teacher wasn’t able to be part of my grade’s Olympics, instead they made her part of the seventh grade students vs teachers. 
    The students vs teachers started at 2:30 pm, which meant we would finish block 4 early. My block 4 for A Day is band. After I put my saxophone in its case, we went downstairs to get ready for the games. The first game they played was musical chairs, in the end there were only two teachers left and no students, which meant the teachers won that round. Next they made multiple make it to win it games. After seeing the different games, it was time for the big finale. They picked out numbers and whoever had those numbers in there raffle will get to silly string my principal/vise principal. A few people got chosen and they went wild with the silly string. Now, it was time to pie two of the ELA teachers. After all of the games, we went back to the band room, picked up our stuff, and went home.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

SoL 14

SoL 14: Easter

    A tradition so old I didn’t know when it started, that tradition was having Easter in my grandma’s graveyard. I think this tradition started in 2009, because I never remember deciding one day to have Easter there. We usually have Easter breakfast/lunch at Lupitas, unfortunately for us, Lupitas was all booked, instead we had Easter breakfast at my mom’s friend’s restaurant, Nonos
    After breakfast, we went to my grandma’s grave and celebrated Easter, and had a confetti war. With the confetti war I teamed up with one of my cousins and my brother, together we tried to win the war. Surprise! We lost. Later, we teamed up with all my cousins to the second oldest in ur family. He was fast, but we had more numbers. So, eventually we confettied him. Side note: Is confettied a word. If it was it would be past tense of confetti, in the act of using confetti for weapons in a war. If it isn’t then what is the past tense of that?
    We also had a Easter race, where all of my cousins, my brother, and I would have a path full of eggs, and we would halve to run and get them all. I must be getting old, because it was a lot more difficult to bend down and get the eggs. Inside one of my eggs, had one dollars and kisses. Afterwords we went to get ice cream, then said fairwell to my family members.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

SoL 13

SoL 13:Netflix

   My brother and I wanted to binge something on Netflix today. We decided we wanted to see something new, something funny, and something that will take a while to finish. After an hour of looking for something to watch, we decided to rewatch Parks and Recreation. We have watched this show before, but we decided it was time to rewatch, again. My brother got the popcorn and water for us, as I put on the show.
    We managed to watch 2 seasons of Parks and Recreation before my mom came to work and told us to clean up our rooms. Sadly, we obeyed and began to put everything away, deciding tomorrow to continue watching. 

Friday, April 19, 2019

SoL 12

SoL 12: Books

     Today, I just finished reading a book called The Art of Losing by Lizzy Mason. This is a fiction book, because I don’t really like reading non-fiction books. My family doesn’t believe that I can read a book in one day, but it is easy to do. Especially because it was only 337 pages, also if I wake up early enough I can finish at least two books. I woke up at 8:45 am, so I began reading at 9:15 am. At 3:45 pm, my mom came home and interupted me reading to eat.
      The problem with reading is that sometimes I can read a whole book in a day, but other times I cannot do that. Today was in a middle, so I finished The Art of Losing but I also didn’t have the energy to read my other book, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne. I decided to read The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas tomorrow instead of today. I rest of the day, I spent reading short horror stories on my phone and watching YouTube.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

SoL 11

SoL 11: The Dance

     Today in my school we had a dance to raise money for Alzheimer. I decided to go to the dance because my cousin wanted me to go. I decided to wear a crop sweater with a undershirt underneath, later on I found out was huge mistake. The dance started at 5 pm and ended at 7 pm, at 5:12 I called my cousin to make sure she was there. I did that because I didn’t want to be alone and I didn’t know if any of my friends were there yet, when I called they confirmed they were there. I headed out to my school, the front enterance was where we handed in our money and checked if we had brought our I.D. After I paid and they checked if I had brought my I.D, I went to the MPR where they were holding the dance. As I took a step in, my two cousins yelled out, “Hi!” I said hi to them, then looked for my friends. I danced a bit to the songs that I knew, which weren’t many, then before I knew it I was sweating. Today was a pretty cool night, but I became very hot in the room where kids were dancing, I went to the gym to get water then went make to the MPR. Suddenly it was 7pm and I had to leave, the hallway was super packed where everyone was pushing, trying to be the first to leave. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

SoL 10

SoL 10: Upstairs

   On A days, I have to go upstairs to the 7th and 8th grade hallways to reach the band room. So at the end of block 3, (or block 2 because or IAR testing) I hurry to my locker, leave all my stuff, grab my book, and head upstairs. I try to go early to not get trampled by 7th/8th graders. Each time I fail, somehow there is always a lot of students in the hallways. I have to zigzag through students trying to get to the band room on time. By the time I get there, three or four other students are there, the rest are trying to get through the huge stampede. Today, I decided to go up a different staircase, making it easier for me to get to the band room. Or at least I thought it was easier. Because of IAR testing, our schedule switched to, Excel, IAR testing, Block 1, Lunch, Block 3, Block 2, and Block 4 (when I go to band on A days). On Block 2, 7th graders go to the 6th grade hallway for either math or ELA, unfortunately I didn’t know that. As I step onto the staircase, I am bombarded by 7th graders on every side. I try to get up as quick as possible, after at least 3 minutes in the stairs, I enter the band room regretting my decision of going to a different staircase.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

SoL 9

SoL 9: Math IAR

* Fake names are used for privacy reasons *   

Today was the first day of the Math IAR Testing, it had a shorter time to finish all the questions than the ELA IAR Testing because the reading took longer. Even though the Math IAR Testing had a shorter time than the ELA one, the Math IAR had more questions. The ELA IAR had 11 questions while the Math IAR had 21 questions. I was lucky enough to finish all the questions, while my cousin, Camila (fake name), didn’t finished the test. During breakfast, I got two bagels one for I could eat during breakfast, the other for IAR Testing. While I was doing the test, I wasn’t hungry, so at ELA I ate the second bagel. After I finished my test, I began reading a book called The Upside of Unrequied by Becky Albertalli. I started reading at page 201, by the end of the testing period I was at page 252. 

Monday, April 15, 2019

SoL 8

SoL 8: Late

  Yesterday, I arrived back at Illinois at around 6 pm. For a hour I was reading until my aunt suggested to watch Game of Thrones, I agreed eager to catch up to the lastest eposide. Before I knew it, it was 10 pm, so I went to sleep. When I woke up, I checked my phone, in bold letters it said 7:45 am Monday, April 15. I had to read the words a couple times to fully understand that I was late for school! I shouldn’t have went to bed at 10 pm! I rush to my closest and grab my uniform, forgetting that I had a dress down today. I then go the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. I tell my mom that I’m ready and get the car keys. I grab my saxophone and open the doors, hoping I won’t be late to class.  As I step into my school, I check the time seeing that it was 8:01 and I wasn’t going to be late. I let out a small sigh as I walk to the band room.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

SoL 7

SoL 7: Birthday

*Fake names used for privacy reasons*  

On Thursday was my uncle’s, Tio Jose (fake name), so on Friday we were going to celebrate it. His birthday was going to be celebrated on Friday, because it was a day away from the horse fair. My cousin, Mindy (fake name), was going to be left and my other cousins’s, Camila and Margaret (fake names), house after the party.
    My aunt got the cake, which was a tres leches cake. A tres leches cake is sometimes a sponge cake, other times a butter cake. The tres leches cake is dipped into three kinds of milk. I enjoy that kind of cake because it doesn’t make my mouth all dry like other cakes do. I do enjoy eating cake but the only thing I don’t like about it is that it is the frosting. The frosting seems too sugary and I don’t seem to enjoy it as much as other people do. Margaret on the other hand, does like the frosting but not the cake. We a solution and see share the cake, I will get the cake part and she will get the frosting.
    We have Tio Jose’s birthday party and my house because it is right between Camila and Margaret’s house and Tio Jose’s house.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

SoL 6

SoL 6: Horse Fair

*Fake name is going to be used for privacy reasons* 

   On Saturday, my some of my family and I are going to Wisconsin to go to the Midwest Horse Fair. The fair is going to be all day, so my aunt decided for us to go on Saturday, and on Sunday we will just wander around Wisconsin then come back to Chicago in the afternoon. The people who are going to go to the horse fair with me is my aunt, Auntie, my aunt and uncle, Tia Eli and Tio Bert (fake names), my cousin, Camila (fake name), Camila’s older sister, Margaret (fake name), and my other cousin, Mindy (fake name). Auntie decided to print out the page where it said all the events, so we can highlight what we want to see.
     What I decided to highlight was the “Quarter Pony Morgan Donkey”, I didn’t know what else to highlight, so I talked to by cousins about it. The reason Auntie got us tickets to the Midewesf Horse Fair was because she loves horses, and since we ride horses she thought it would be nice to invite us to go.

Friday, April 12, 2019

SoL 5

SoL 5: Writing a Story

* Fake names will be used for privacy reasons*

  As I walked into my ELA classroom, I met up with my friend, Santiago (fake name), and started to start our story. The story we named was The Murder of my Brother. This story was based off of Wednesday, where someone threatened my brother. The story takes place in the present, the main character is sixteen years old, while her brother is twelve. The main character’s brother gets killed but no one knows who did. The story is going to be a thriller/horror and a mystery story. We are starting to plan out how we are going to structure our story, right now we have that it is going to be told in first person. The middle school the brother went to is going to be called Abraham Middle School. We didn’t know what to call the middle school, so we did what any other person does, we named it after someone famous. Our first choice was about Abraham Lincoln, we couldn’t call it Lincoln Middle School, since a building already has the name Lincoln in it. Being to lazy to find another name, we decided to call the middle school Abraham Middle School. We decided to have the brother as twelve, for he can be in middle school but also show that he was young.

Picture of the planning          

Thursday, April 11, 2019

SoL 4

SoL 4: Yesterday...

* I put fake names because of privacy reasons *

*Italics used when talking about the story*

    When I put away my saxophone outside of the band room I walked downstairs to the gym. I looked out for the people I usually sit with, I see my cousin, Camila (fake name), talking to one of my friends, Santiago (fake name). I walk over to hear her talking about yesterday and the days leading up to it. She began on Monday, where at 3:22 pm Camila and I walked into the sibling pick up, my brother, Samuel (fake name), was looking upset. Samuel told us that someone’s sister took away his tiger ticket, claiming it was hers. When Samuel got the tiger ticket back, the girl hit herself to make herself cry, then she went up to her older sister saying that Samuel took her ticket. The girl’s older sister grabbed the ticket out of Samuel’s hand forcefully. Camila took a deep breath and looked over and me to see if she missed anything, I shook my head. She then looked over to Santiago to see his reaction, Santiago was confused, “Why would she do that just for a tiger ticket,” He blurted out looking worried. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

SoL 3

SoL 4: IAR Testing

    Today was the first day of IAR Testing, ELA Unit 1. Luckily it was only eleven questions. As my excel teacher was passing out our student’s testing ticket. Using the words “student’s testing ticket” made it sound like we’re going to a train to test, all aboard IAR testing! All aboard! IAR testing is leaving the station! My excel teacher finally passed out everyone’s tickets, and we were ready to start the test. When I was on the second question of the test, my excel teacher gave out mints. I never really liked eating the mints, it was just too minty for me. Which meant I never ate them, which my brother enjoys a lot. My excel teacher told us that when writing the essay part of IAR testing to first write it in scratch paper, which took most of the IAR testing time. Finally, I finished the ELA IAR testing, showed it to my excel teacher, and started reading. When I got to page 92, my excel teacher informed my class that Berwyn is having some plumbing issues.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

SoL 2

SoL 2: Writing

    When I finally finished my homework I wanted to make a story, the only thing was that I didn’t know what to write about. So, I went to the internet, I searched up “writing prompts” trying to find one that will inspire me to write something. After looking at love prompts, thriller/horror prompts, and even fantasty prompts, I saw one that I wanted to write about. The writing prompt focused on death. It was an interesting prompt, but it wasn’t what I wanted. The prompt went, “I didn’t know what to do, I just knew it needed to stop. Grave after grave after grave. I got tired of burying my friends.” I liked how the prompt was set, so I decided to make my own spin on it. The main character would accidentally kill their friends every night and right after their ‘funeral’ he will go back one day to relive the death. The thing is, the death will be different each time, from a different kind of death or a different friend that they would kill, they would have to live through all of that. 

    After finding the prompt I wanted to use, I’ll bring out my journal and begin writing. First, I wrote prompt, then I started writing the story.


Monday, April 8, 2019

SoL 1

SoL 1: Reading

     The thing I struggle with the most while I’m reading is finding the perfect place to sit. The problem is, is that I’ll decide to read but not find a comfortable place to read. After hours of wondering around my house, I’ll decide to sit on the couch. As I’m also finished with the book I’m reading, I decide the spot on the couch wasn’t comfortable anymore, so I stand up and look around for a few minutes deciding where to sit. Finally, I get tired of looking so I sit on the living room table.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Blackfish review

      Blackfish is a movie about trainers being murdered at SeaWorld, this movie is bias towards orcas should be in the wild not at an aquarium. The main orca shown in Blackfish is Tilikum, a orca who killed three trainers.

    The movie did show clips of the trainers being hurt or killed by orcas, which at times was hard to watch. Blackfish also showed different accidents from other aquariums like the SeaLand incident and the Lorca Parque incidents.

   The SeaLand incident was when Tilikum killed Keltie Byrne, who was a 21 year old competitive swimmer who was working at SeaLand as a part time job. Keltie slipped and fell into the pool where Tilikum, Haida II, and Nootka IV was.

   The Lorca Parque incident was when SeaWorld sent Lorca Parque a few orcas, the Lorca Parque trainers were unexperience but they continued to run their show. One afternoon, one of orcas (who had Tilikum’s DNA) attacked Alexis Martínez.

   Another thing Blackfish talked about is that SeaWorld kept Tilikum because of his genes, they used Tilikum for producing babies.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Orcas at SeaWorld

   I believe that orcas shouldn’t be kept in tanks at SeaWorld. In Newsela, a article called ‘SeaWorld Tanks or Sea Pens. Dispute Over Which is Best for Orcas Continues’ states, “SeaWorld said no to that. It will not build the larger tanks yet. SeaWorld is fighting to end the no-breeding rule.” Claiming that SeaWorld will not try to help the orcas and give them enough space for them to be comfortable. SeaWorld also claimed that it’s trying to end the no-breeding rule, this shows how they don’t want to give the orcas enough space and they still want to continue breeding orcas.
   Mark Simmons, a old SeaWorld trainer, states, “Sea pens are not a safe place for whales.” This shows that even trainers don’t believe that whales should be kept in a cramped pen.
    To conclude, whales shouldn’t be kept in captivity because pens don’t give whales enough space for them to be comfortable.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Should Students Have Uniforms?

    Source for this post

  Imagine waking up everyday to wear the same clothes, it would get boring quickly. Unfortunately, this is the reality for many students.
     Students shouldn’t have to wear uniforms, because wearing uniforms restricts their freedom of expression. This is proven in school-uniforms.procon.org, “Clothing is also a popular means of expressing support for various social causes and school uniforms largely remove that option.”
This shows how uniforms don’t allow students to express themselves or show support for different kinds of causes.

     Some may argue that wearing school uniforms allow students to focus more on studies instead of focusing on their clothes; but that isn’t always the case. David L. Brunsma, who is a professor of Socialogy at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, made a study that looked at 10th graders who didn’t have to wear uniforms. While observing the 10th graders, he found no big behavioral problems or substances use on school grounds. As said on school-uniforms.procon.org, “He found ‘no effects of uniforms on absenteeism, behavioral problems (fights, suspensions, etc.) or any substance use on campus.’”
     A peer-reviewed study actually found that there was ‘no bigs effects of school uniforms on the performance on second grade skills’, the same was true for 10th grades, and the results of the uniform-wearing students are actually negative. According to school-uniforms.procon.org, “A peer-reviewed study found ‘no significant effects of school uniforms on performance in second grade reading and mathematics examinations, the same went for 10th grade reading, mathematics, science, and history examinations. Many of the results are actually negative.’” This proves that wearing uniforms doesn’t help students focus on studies.

   Another reason why students shouldn’t wear uniforms is because uniforms doesn’t stop bullying and may increase it. Shown in school-uniforms.procon.org, “Tony Volk, PhD, Associate Professor at Brock University, started, ‘Overall, there is no evidence in bullying literature that supports a reduction in violence due to school uniforms.’ A study found out that ‘school uniforms increased the average number of assaults by about 14 [per year] in the most violent schools.’” This demonstrates that wearing uniforms doesn’t protect students from bullying.

   People may say wearing school uniforms makes students enhance school, but in reality it can make students have a bad self-image.  School-uniforms.procon.org states, “When students have to wear the same outfit, rather than being allowed to select clothes that suit their body type, they may suffer from embarrassment at school.” So, instead of students having pride while wearing their school uniform, they feel bad about themselves and self conscious.
   Wearing school uniforms can promote conformity over individuality. Conformity is the behavior in accordance with socially accepted standards. School-uniform.procon.org wrote, “Chicago junior high school student Kyler Sumter wrote in the Huffington Post: ‘They decide to teach us about people like Rosa Parks, Susan B. Anthony, and Brooker T. Washington. We learn about how these people expressed themselves and conquered and we can’t even express ourselves in the hallways.’” This demonstrates how the school uniforms does not let students express themselves and look like other students in the school.

  To conclude, students shouldn’t have to wear uniforms, so they can be able to be able to express themselves instead of being constricted with the same kind of clothes every single school day.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

One Word 2019: Improve

My one word for 2019 is improve.

       I chose improve to be my one word for 2019 is because I want to get better at different subjects instead of being in staying at the same place the whole time. When I was choosing what my one word for 2019 is going to be I didn’t want it to be something specific, I wanted it to be something that I could use for everything I want to do in 2019, I decide that improve was the right word because there is a lot of things I want to get better at. I also my one word of 2019 to be improve because, I want to learn different things that I’m not good at like art instead of procrastinating and watching Netflix. How I interpret the word improve is getting better at something and moving forward.
    I wanted improve to be my one word for 2019 because in 2018 I spent a lot of time procrastinating instead of trying to change and get better at something.